The Biotech Startups Podcast

A podcast for scientist-entrepreneurs. Brought to you by Excedr.

Leaders in the life sciences join us in each episode, providing valuable insights into the world of biotechnology. New episodes released each week.

Jon Chee headshot
Hosted by Jon Chee:
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Hear Founder Stories & Learn About the Business of Science

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The Biotech Startups Podcast publishes new episodes weekly, featuring a wide range of scientific leaders and experts, including scientists, professors, long-time company operators, founders and serial entrepreneurs, and biotech investors.

Hear about the challenges and triumphs of running a biotech startup in each episode and gain actionable insight into navigating the life sciences industry, as we explore the business of science, from pre-seed to IPO.

Latest Episodes

Nathan Clark - Ganymede - Part 4

Data Integration & Automation in the Life Sciences | Building a Technical Team & Go-To-Market Motion | Creating Efficient Data Infrastructures | Automating Complex Workflows

Nathan Clark - Ganymede - Part 3

Parallels Between Benchling & Salesforce | Getting Customers to Fully Buy-In | Managing the “Writhing Snake of Data” | Ganymede Achieves Escape Velocity Growth

Nathan Clark - Ganymede - Part 2

Moving from Goldman Sachs to Fintech | Exploring Product Management at Affirm | Leveraging Data & Building Tech Solutions| Impacting Scientific Progress at Benchling

Nathan Clark - Ganymede - Part 1

Early Influence of Entrepreneurs | Developing Passions for Both Finance & Life Sciences | Fundamentals of Trading & Finances | Experiences & Opportunities at Goldman Sachs

David Li - Meliora Therapeutics - Part 4

Mechanism Identification in Biotech | AI & ML in Drug Development | Creating a New Method for Drug Discovery | Fundraising for Meliora | Building a Foundational Startup Team

David Li - Meliora Therapeutics - Part 3

Developing a Blood-Based Lung Cancer Test | The Rifle-Shot Nature of Biotech | Software Vs. Biotech Product Market Fit | The Super Power all Startups Need

David Li - Meliora Therapeutics - Part 2

From Finance to Biotech Entrepreneurship | Building Solid Teams & Navigating Market Dynamics | Lessons in Early-Stage Startups

David Li - Meliora Therapeutics - Part 1

Childhood in China and Kentucky | Early Opportunities in Research & Biology | Benefits of Dual Degrees | Experiences & Opportunities while Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs

About The Biotech Startups Podcast

The life sciences industry has evolved significantly since its inception, shaping different ways people conduct, fund, and commercialize promising science and technology.

The many iterations of success and failure have produced countless journeys from discovery to IPO, supporting the idiosyncratic nature of building a biotech around something innovative.

More and more researchers make the change from academia to industry, fostering a new generation of entrepreneurs interested in bringing innovative products to market. We created the Biotech Startups podcast to support this new generation of founders.

A headshot of Jon Chee, the Biotech Startups Podcast host.
Jon Chee
CEO & Podcast Host
Jon graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Molecular Toxicology and founded Excedr in the labs on campus. As host, he takes a closer look at the notoriously demanding life science industry.
About Jon Chee

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