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Nathan Clark - Ganymede - Part 4

Data Integration & Automation in the Life Sciences | Building a Technical Team & Go-To-Market Motion | Creating Efficient Data Infrastructures | Automating Complex Workflows

Nathan Clark - Ganymede - Part 3

Parallels Between Benchling & Salesforce | Getting Customers to Fully Buy-In | Managing the “Writhing Snake of Data” | Ganymede Achieves Escape Velocity Growth

Nathan Clark - Ganymede - Part 2

Moving from Goldman Sachs to Fintech | Exploring Product Management at Affirm | Leveraging Data & Building Tech Solutions| Impacting Scientific Progress at Benchling

Nathan Clark - Ganymede - Part 1

Early Influence of Entrepreneurs | Developing Passions for Both Finance & Life Sciences | Fundamentals of Trading & Finances | Experiences & Opportunities at Goldman Sachs

David Li - Meliora Therapeutics - Part 4

Mechanism Identification in Biotech | AI & ML in Drug Development | Creating a New Method for Drug Discovery | Fundraising for Meliora | Building a Foundational Startup Team

David Li - Meliora Therapeutics - Part 3

Developing a Blood-Based Lung Cancer Test | The Rifle-Shot Nature of Biotech | Software Vs. Biotech Product Market Fit | The Super Power all Startups Need

David Li - Meliora Therapeutics - Part 2

From Finance to Biotech Entrepreneurship | Building Solid Teams & Navigating Market Dynamics | Lessons in Early-Stage Startups

David Li - Meliora Therapeutics - Part 1

Childhood in China and Kentucky | Early Opportunities in Research & Biology | Benefits of Dual Degrees | Experiences & Opportunities while Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs